Chevrons five years of Gorgon carbon storage failure could cost 230 million

The world’s largest carbon capture and storage system dedicated to emissions reduction at Chevron’s Gorgon LNG plant off the West Australian coast has failed to bury 9.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide in its first five years of operation.

In response to the shortfall, Chevron on Thursday announced it would buy 5.23 million tonnes of carbon offsets and invest $40 million in lower carbon projects in WA.

Chevron has struggled to consistently bury CO2 under Barrow Island since Gorgon started production in 2016.

Chevron has struggled to consistently bury CO2 under Barrow Island since Gorgon started production in 2016.

At the recent record high spot price of Australian Carbon Credit Units of $36.50 per tonne of CO2, the total cost of offsets and the lower carbon projects is about $230 million.

Chevron operates the Gorgon project and owns 47.3 per cent. The US oil giant’s share of the estimated bill equals about five days of 2020 revenue from its Australian operations. Shell and ExxonMobil each have a 25 per cent stake.

In 2006, the WA government allowed Chevron to build the $US55 billion ($75 billion) LNG plant on Barrow Island, a Class A nature reserve, on the condition that carbon dioxide in the gas produced offshore would be buried under the island.

The condition was put in place by then-environment minister and now WA Premier Mark McGowan.

There was no requirement to capture and store carbon dioxide from the gas burnt to run the plant that produces about 60 per cent of the plant’s emissions.

Chevron had to “implement all practicable means” to inject all the reservoir carbon dioxide and, as a minimum, inject at least 80 per cent on a five-year rolling average.

The first five-year measurement period ended July 2021. During that time, 15.3 million tonnes of CO2 from offshore gas fields flowed to Barrow Island, but just 4.9 million tonnes, or 32 per cent, was buried.

The system fell short of injecting all CO2 by 9.5 million tonnes and missed the 80 per cent minimum by 7.4 million tonnes.

However, Chevron is not liable for the entire shortfall from the 80 per cent minimum target.

The WA government revised Gorgon’s environmental conditions in mid-2020 so emissions associated with Gorgon’s second and third LNG trains before July 2018 would not be counted.

The reasoning was that the two trains operated under a construction license, not an operating licence until then.

The Gorgon CO2 injection system has cost $3.1 billion to mid-2020. There is also a significant cost to capture the CO2.

Chevron’s announcement comes a day after the federal government proposed a $500 million Low Emissions Technology Commercialisation Fund that would, in part, invest in carbon capture and storage.

Gorgon received $60 million from an earlier federal government Low Emissions Technology Development Fund.

Chevron Australia managing director Mark Hatfield said the company was proud of the Gorgon carbon capture and storage system, despite its early challenges.

“The package we have announced will see us make good on our commitment to offset the injection shortfall and ensures we meet the expectations of the regulator, the community and those we place on ourselves,” Mr Hatfield said.

Chevron plans to meet its obligation by purchasing Australian Carbon Credit Units and offsets from two international programs: the Gold Standard and the Verified Carbon Standard.

The proportion of Australian offsets “will depend on availability and impact on the Australian Carbon Credit Unit market,” Chevron stated in the annual Gorgon Environmental Performance Report. No minimum amount of Australian offsets was mentioned.

The company “will use reasonable endeavours” to purchase the offsets by July 2022.

Conservation Council of WA policy director Piers Verstegen said offsetting emissions was not the same as capturing pollution before it was released.

“Since offsets are not secure and do not prevent pollution in the first place, Chevron should be required to offset much more pollution than it was required to inject underground,” Mr Verstegen said.

“Chevron has been taking the regulator, and WA community for a ride on this for years, and frankly it has turned into an international embarrassment.”

WA Environment Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson said Chevron missing the injection target was a significant breach of environmental conditions.

“However, I am satisfied Chevron is taking this issue seriously,” Ms Sanderson said.

A spotlight on the failure of the largest CCS system in the world not used to pressurise reservoirs to increase oil production comes at an unfortunate time for the oil and gas industry and the Australian government that both heavily promote the controversial technology.

The WA environment regulator requires Chevron to release the performance report this time every year.

Nothing simple about CCS

Chevron started studying how to bury CO2 under Barrow Island, where it had an existing oil operation, in 1998 to solve the problem of its Gorgon gas field discovery containing 14 per cent CO2.

The eventual plan had a complex series of steps to store the CO2 extracted from the gas before it entered the LNG plant.

The CO2 would be first compressed, then piped to wells and injected into a 400-metre thick layer of sandstone two kilometres underground.

The cavities in the sandstone were full of water, so about four kilometres from the injection wells a second set of wells would bring water to the surface to stop excess pressure building up in the sandstone. This water was then reinjected underground by a third group of wells into a layer of rock above the sandstone.

Despite the requirement to “implement all practicable means” to bury all the reservoir carbon dioxide and two extra years to prepare due to construction delays, Chevron had not finished installing the necessary equipment by mid-2016, months after LNG exports began.

The delay was just the first of many problems.

When the system was started, Chevron found that excess water mixed with the carbon dioxide threatened to corrode the equipment, and major modifications were required. Injection of CO2 did not begin until August 2019, 3½ years after the plant started producing revenue.

However, the wells to move the water from the sandstone layer were not used as they would clog with sand.

In late 2020, WA’s Department of Mining, Industry Regulation and Safety stepped in and ordered Chevron to cut CO2 injection to one-third design capacity to avoid excess pressure fracturing the sandstone and permanently damaging the system’s performance.

DMIRS recently removed its restrictions, and Chevron is increasing CO2 injection towards full capacity. About 500,000 tonnes of CO2 has been stored since July.

Gorgon would have vented more reservoir CO2, but repairs to cracked heat exchangers constrained the plant to 75 per cent capacity over the 12 months to June 2021.

Peter Milne covers business for WAtoday, The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald with a focus on WA energy, mining, construction and property.Connect via Twitter or email.

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