Zero sum game may reward Libs at the ballot box

October 30, 2021 â€" 5.00am

Labor says that the government hasn’t changed a thing with its newfound conversion to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. “It was really about nothing today,” said Anthony Albanese in response to Scott Morrison’s announcement.

That’s not true. The Prime Minister has changed one word in the government’s policy. Until this week, he’d pledged Australia to “reach net zero, preferably by 2050”. The new policy omits the word “preferably”.

And that one-word edit carries some remarkable implications. Not for the climate. Morrison’s new 126-page “plan” won’t actually cut an extra tonne of emissions from the atmosphere. As it says, it’s “based on existing policies”.

Scott Morrison launching the government’s net zero emissions plan, “The Australian Way” on Tuesday.

Scott Morrison launching the government’s net zero emissions plan, “The Australian Way” on Tuesday.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

It holds the possibility of serious action eventually, but the government’s new brochure offers nothing to accelerate decarbonisation of the existing economy or investment in the new.

The Australian tech entrepreneur Mike Cannon-Brookes is investing billions in renewable energy. He read the “plan” and judged it “ridiculously embarrassing”: “I understand technology damn well. This isn’t a ‘technology-driven approach’. It’s inaction, misdirection and avoiding choices.”

As policy, it’s junk. As politics, it’s remarkable. Most startling is the implicit admission that the Coalition has been misleading its own supporters for a decade. From the moment Tony “climate change is crap” Abbott took the leadership, Coalition policy has been infused with climate scepticism and predicated on falsehoods.

Remember how cutting emissions was going to destroy the economy? Now Morrison boasts repeatedly that Australia’s emissions have fallen by 20 per cent since 2005 while the economy has grown by 45 per cent in the same time.

The same Morrison who once held aloft in the House of Representatives a black lump of coal now holds aloft a blue-covered “plan” that envisages cutting carbon emissions from the electricity sector by 91 to 97 per cent between 2005 and 2050, implying the virtual elimination of coal-fired power.

The same Prime Minister who told us two years ago that electric vehicles would “end the weekend” now promotes a “plan” that rejoices in the economic potential of EVs.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:The Sydney Morning Herald

“Australia,” points out Morrison’s blue brochure, “is uniquely placed to benefit as this global shift unfolds. We can prosper in a world in transition and capitalise on the global shift to a new energy economy.”

Why the dramatic reversal? The new position, like the old position, is founded on politics. The policy that helped deliver power at the 2019 election would deliver defeat in 2022, Morrison concluded. He told his MPs that some 80 per cent of Australians wanted the government to do more about climate change. He had to respond.

Voters concerned about the climate emphatically ejected Tony Abbott from the Sydney seat of Warringah in 2019. Morrison faced a real risk that in 2022 they would eject up to half a dozen others from wealthy, educated urban seats in Sydney and Melbourne, including Katie Allen from Higgins, Dave Sharma from Wentworth, Trent Zimmerman from North Sydney, Jason Falinski from Mackellar and perhaps even Josh Frydenberg from Kooyong.

Morrison holds the House by the barest majority. He can’t afford to lose one seat, much less five or six.

Will the trick work? The city-based Liberals are enormously relieved. The regional-based Nationals are another matter entirely.

“It’s momentous,” says the Liberals’ Katie Allen from the affluent seat of Higgins in Melbourne’s east. “I think it’s the equivalent of the gun laws moment for John Howard â€" it’s pivotal. Labor will complain and point-score, that’s democracy. The point is, we now have a plan.”

The turning point for Howard was the Port Arthur massacre. For Morrison, she says, it was Australia’s season of flames, the 2019-20 Black Summer: “People saw the palls of smoke over their cities for three or four months and the connection with climate change was made. Scott Morrison realised then we had to move, but for the last year he was distracted by COVID.”

The Liberals’ Dave Sharma from Malcolm Turnbull’s former seat of Wentworth in Sydney’s east describes the government’s new policy as “an enduring political achievement for us as a Coalition and also for the state of national politics. It indicates to voters in my electorate that we are taking this issue seriously, and we’re addressing their concerns. We’ve buried the climate wars and can move ahead now. We’ve agreed on the diagnosis and the remedy, and now it’s an argument about treatment.”

‘If I’ve got to be a prostitute, I’m going to be a bloody good one.’

What Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce told his colleagues

The Nationals are getting a very different reaction. Here’s an indicator. Katie Allen tells me she’s had dozens of calls and emails from voters happy with the pivot, although many say they now want to see details of the plan. On the other hand, she’s had just two emails and one phone call from voters angry at the new policy.

Whereas the Nationals’ leader, Barnaby Joyce, says he’s been fielding angry phone calls non-stop. Joyce and the other Nationals knew to expect a hostile reaction. It turns out many of their constituents truly believed the pro-coal, anti-climate rhetoric the Coalition has been saturating them with for the last decade. They feel betrayed at the reversal.

So the Nationals negotiated secretly with Morrison an agreement on nine key demands as the price of their acquiescence in the new policy for net zero by 20250. Joyce is unabashed about this: “If I’ve got to be a prostitute, I’m going to be a bloody good one,” he’s told colleagues.

The nine commitments will form the basis for much of the Nationals’ election campaigning in the months to come. They will be offered in an effort to offset electoral anger at the net zero policy.

One is that Australia will not sign up to any COP26 climate summit commitment to cut output of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. This was implicit in the government’s position; the Nationals insisted it be made explicit. A group of nations, including the US, is pressing for countries to cut their 2020 methane output by 30 per cent by 2030. Australia will not be among them.

“Methane is incredibly important not only for the farm economy but for the regions,” says Joyce. Livestock is a major source of Australia’s methane. “To cut methane you’d have to cull cattle. Talking about cutting methane is like talking about shutting down lanes on the Sydney Harbour Bridge â€" soon you’re going to have real problems.”

Another is a multi-billion dollar commitment to set up a fund to develop alternative industries in the regions, principally hydrogen fuel. The idea would be to expand new industry against the likely shrinkage of coal mining as world demand falls. It’s expected that this money would be allocated in the next Coalition budget.

A third is that Scope 3 emissions from coal mining are not counted in achieving Australia’s national net zero commitment. Scope 3 are the emissions not given off directly by a coal mine or other facility but by the customers or others who use their product.

A fourth and well publicised commitment was for the Queensland LNP’s Keith Pitt, Minister for Resources and Water, to be moved from the outer ministry into the cabinet. Pitt is an opponent of any moves to curb coal or cut emissions.

A fifth is that the government commits to a review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. This is Australia’s overarching mechanism for environmental protection. Its summary says it is “the Australian government’s central piece of environmental legislation. It provides a legal framework to protect and manage nationally and internationally important flora, fauna, ecological communities and heritage places.”

Any review of the EPBC Act by a Coalition government would be politically incendiary, especially if it’s conducted in response to Nationals’ demands. Under the internal Coalition agreement, the review would be conducted jointly by the Environment Minister, Sussan Ley, and the Minister for Resources and Water, Keith Pitt.

It’s not expected that this would occur before the next election, which must be held by May at the latest.

A sixth is government commitment to a range of infrastructure programs for the regions and the bush. This would include the extension of the Nationals’ pet project, the Inland Rail freight line, pending the result of a business case study into its feasibility. This extension from Gladstone to Toowoomba is estimated to cost some $4 billion, which could be funded by the taxpayer or by business.

Altogether, tallying the promise of a new industries fund plus the infrastructure plans could quickly add to more than $10 billion in concessions to the Nationals. Many would argue that any review of the EPBC could cost infinitely more in non-financial, environmental terms.

This combination â€" a net zero by 2050 target for the Liberals’ city seats plus a nine-point, $10 billion package for the Nationals’ regional seats â€" is Morrison’s formula for retaining government.

Could it work? The pollster for Essential Research, Peter Lewis, points out that Morrison has split the electoral bloc that has long favoured more active climate policy. In his polling, about 60 per cent of the Australian electorate wanted more action on climate change.

By promising net zero by 2050 â€" but no new emissions target for 2030 â€" Morrison has split this into two. Roughly half of the 60 per cent are content with a 2050 commitment. If you add the voters who want no emissions cuts at all, or are unsure, you get a majority of the electorate, approaching 60 per cent, that might be persuaded that Morrison has done enough, on Lewis’s numbers.

“It’s given him a device,” says Lewis. “It’s terrible policy, but he has a plan he can defend. Whereas his position before was indefensible.” One word has changed, yet it has changed so much.

Peter Hartcher is political editor.

Peter Hartcher is political editor and international editor of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.Connect via email.

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