The real stories of COVID-19 are found in the suburbs - not at a Premiers press conference

By Chris O'Keefe September 12, 2021 â€" 7.45pm

The response among journalists to NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s cancelling of the daily 11am COVID-19 briefing last week exposed an uncomfortable truth about the modern media landscape. More often than not, our reaction to the news of the day is to argue rather than debate.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian and NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant  providing an update on COVID-19. The last daily 11am press conference. 12th August 2021.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian and NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant providing an update on COVID-19. The last daily 11am press conference. 12th August 2021. Credit:Edwina Pickles / SMH

Twitter (the preferred platform for journalists which doubles as an internal industry circular) was decidedly anti-Gladys. “Well @GladysB I think you can now see how the ‘no daily press conference’ thing is being received. A very bad decision,” Guardian Australia editor Lenore Taylor posted on Twitter in reference to the response from people on Twitter.

While some journalists did support the decision (including me), they were clearly in the minority. Supporters of the move were scolded by Seven’s Political Editor Mark Riley, and told to “get another job.” The charge was the Premier was avoiding accountability and, even if you supported an end to daily press conferences, the decision was taken too early because infections, deaths and hospitalisation are yet to peak.’s Sam Maiden suggested it was an act of “cowardice”. The ABC’s John Lyons described it as “appalling”. “Worst of the crisis is about to hit,” he tweeted. “There are still serious Q’s whether NSW hospitals will cope... Accountability right now is critical”. In a measured analysis piece for the Herald on Saturday, Deborah Snow argued the decision was “harder to comprehend” given state parliament is suspended and vaccination rates show signs of slowing.

There are two elements to the Premier’s decision. The first is whether the eight million people of NSW need to move away from a daily ritual dominated by case numbers as the government accepts we cannot eliminate the virus. The second is the timing.

It’s critical to note that the Premier has committed to holding COVID-19 briefings multiple times a week, subjecting herself to the same scrutiny from the same journalists. She will not be going into hiding, as some suggested.

The reality is, the daily duty of these briefings has bred a collective anxiety in Sydney. A late morning pang of panic, as we prepare for bad and worse news.

Unless there’s a big announcement, like our road map to freedom, many have tuned out. Journalists themselves have regularly taken to social media to declare they have stopped watching the “11AM” in order, to look after their mental health. So, imagine how the rest of Sydney feels as we head into week 12 of lockdown.

The Black Dog Institute even advises people to limit their intake of his kind of information, saying that “being exposed to constant, alarming, anxiety-inducing stories convinces us that there is something to panic about.”

NSW chief medical officer Dr Kerry Chant has stopped attending every day, instead deciding to turn her attention to major issues facing our health response.

“If we are to debate a loss of accountability, the fact the NSW Government has effectively suspended parliament is what needs to be addressed”.

All the information on case numbers, hospitalisations and sadly deaths, will still be made available for public consumption.

This decision to stop the daily briefings has been under consideration for at least a month. The government’s logic is that if we are to move towards a post pandemic existence where we don’t concern ourselves with daily case numbers, then the Premier needs to stop indulging in it every day.

The criticism of her decision has been loudest and most robust from political reporters in Canberra. Yet, there has been no such demands for daily press conferences from the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison.

Even Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, overseeing a state where there are hundreds of new cases a day, has been sending his Ministerial lieutenants out to answer questions.

This isn’t cowardice. It’s simply balancing the demands of a press pack - now accustomed to extraordinary access - with what the public actually expects from our elected officials.

Undeniably though, the timing of the decision is curious. If the modelling is accurate, our hospitals will be under enormous strain over the next two months. If you’ve stuck with daily briefings for this long, why bail out now?

There is speculation Berejiklian pulled the plug ahead of a private date with ICAC this week. Not only will ICAC refuse to confirm if it is, in fact, interviewing the Premier, the contents of the in-camera interviews will not be made public in the short term. The Premier is bound by strict confidentially clauses which stop her talking about it, if indeed it’s happening.

There is also, of course, a political consideration to decision. As the lockdown wears on people, so too does Berejiklian as a leader. Polling suggests her popularity with the electorate has dropped significantly. Even for some Liberals the Premier’s school captain-like nagging is getting old. The Premier knows this because the polling on her desk is telling her the same thing.

But despite the legitimate questions around political motivations and timing, arguments that there will be less accountability or scrutiny by holding these briefings less frequently are overblown.

The daily press conferences may offer theatre, but they are not where journalism flourishes. No matter how earnest the questions, or how loud the questioner, there has been little information gleaned from them that has been worthwhile to the public in the crisis. Berejiklian is disciplined and well versed in the art of deflection, and when one journalist opens the door to something interesting, the next questioner quickly moves the next topic anyway.

The real stories of this pandemic are in the suburbs as people die in their homes, in our intensive care units, with our kids missing out on education and with small businesses on the verge of bankruptcy. These are the stories that will hold the government to account.

If we are to debate a loss of accountability, the fact the NSW Government has effectively suspended parliament is what needs to be addressed. If parliament sat during the World Wars, then it can manage the fallout of a minister catching COVID-19 at a pizza joint back in June.

A press conference is not a substitute for a parliament, but there seems to be less outrage about that.

Chris O’Keefe is the federal political reporter for Nine News.

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