Pearse ploughs on through murky dam and lockdowns to realise dream

Col Pearse has been an emotional wreck on a number of occasions in the past few months.

While having his flaming red mullet cut off accidentally by a French backpacker in Cairns was certainly a devastating blow, two months ago the teenager from country Victoria was really down in the dumps.

Col Pearse during an Australian training session in Tokyo on Monday.

Col Pearse during an Australian training session in Tokyo on Monday. Credit:Delly Carr

Pearse, who is still in high school, had conceded his Tokyo Paralympics dream was over.

Ever since losing his foot in 2005 in an accident as a toddler when he sneaked out of the house while his dad was on the ride-on mower, all Pearse wanted to do was make an Australian Paralympics team and win a gold medal.

Pearse’s parents thought their son was inside but the two-year-old had climbed on a chair to unlock a security door before strolling outside.

His father came around the corner and bowled Pearse over, cutting his right foot severely.

“As a toddler I was crazy,” Pearse said. “That’s the reason I got into swimming. I was inside and dad was mowing out the back. Next thing I had an encounter with the lawn mower.”

After spending his COVID-19 lockdown last year training in his family’s murky farm dam in Echuca and having to navigate past yabbies, ducks, fish and leeches, Pearse was unable to attend the recent Australian trials in Adelaide due to border closures.

Col Pearse training in a dam on his family’s farm in Echuca in country Victoria.

Col Pearse training in a dam on his family’s farm in Echuca in country Victoria.

Pearse lodged an application to selectors in the hope of still being picked given he had already swum qualifying times.

June 16 was a horrible day for the then 17-year-old, who had a meltdown while watching the final races before the Paralympic team was named.

Pearse’s peers who made the team were given the good news in Adelaide, but he didn’t get a phone call.

“For about four hours we all sat at the dinner table in silence,” Pearse said. “I reckon I broke down at least five or six times. I just sat there in tears. I was non-stop wiping my eyes.

“I felt like the last three to four years had gone.”

Watching with his mother and sister, Pearse had mentally prepared for the worst. He knew the magic number was 32 swimmers Australia would take to the Paralympics, which kick off on Wednesday.

When Pearse, who was well versed in the alphabetical order of the team, heard Lakeisha Patterson and Ben Popham’s names read out, the tears flowed.

His sister’s boyfriend, however, thought there had only been 31 names when Rachael Watson smiled and accepted her ticket to Tokyo from chef de mission Kate McLoughlin.

“And finally,” said announcer and Paralympian Annabelle Williams. “From Kew Swim Club in Victoria, Col Pearse.”

His reaction posted on Instagram is the stuff you could watch every day of the week for the rest of your life.

(Click across below to watch the video).

“I just went numb and broke down in tears of joy,” Pearse said. “It was a stressful day for me. My heart rate spiked to 160. I felt like I’d swum a 100m butterfly. I’m actually getting goosebumps talking about it.

“As a child, I’ve always wanted to make the Paralympic team and for that to finally come true . . . I’m still speechless.”

Pearse was also thrilled his red mullet would get a run in Tokyo during his 100m butterfly, 100m backstroke and 200m individual medley events in the S10, SB9, SM10 and categories.

Enter a hairdresser and a slight language barrier.

“She said, ‘let me trim the mullet’ and I said ‘I’m all good’,” Pearse said. “I had my Australian gear on, so I didn’t want to make too much of a scene. Next thing you know she’s chopping it off.

Col Pearse will compete in three events in Tokyo.

Col Pearse will compete in three events in Tokyo. Credit:Getty

“Long story short, never let a backpacker cut your hair. The mullet grew on everyone. Leaving for Tokyo and being a country boy, rocking the mullet, it’s culture.”

In terms of preparation for Tokyo, Pearse’s has been unique.

Lockdown last year presented all kinds of issues for the country’s top swimmers, who were unable to train normally due to the closure of pools.

No worries. The “Pearse Aquatic Centre” became open for business on the family farm.

“Once we officially went into lockdown across the country, we just got some parts from the farm; some hay strings, milk bottles, some crates as a tumble-turn and built the Pearce Aquatic Centre,” Pearse said. “It was six sessions a week for 60 to 90 minutes. It’s pretty damn cold in there.

“It was a bit of fun but quite challenging because it’s brown water. Every time I put my head down there was no black line, nothing to see. I constantly would have to lift my head above the water to breathe, like an open water swimmer.

“I had an encounter with a leech. I was sitting on the wall, catching my breath and having a bit of a break. I felt this weird pinch. I thought it’d be a rock. The pinch started getting worse, so I hopped out of the water and pulled the leech off. I do not recommend yanking a leech off your foot.”

Pearse picked up a bronze medal in his 100m butterfly event at the 2019 World Championships and is tipped to shave more time off when competing at his first Paralympics.

He won’t have the mullet, but it will be there in spirit if Pearse makes it to the medal dais.

Tom Decent is a journalist with The Sydney Morning Herald

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