My message to parents Dont panic remote learning is OK for most kids

August 25, 2021 â€" 5.30am

It was disappointing to read a report last week about a small number of parents taking out their frustrations with remote learning on their children’s teachers. Ongoing lockdowns have been trying for us all. Teachers are not only filming lessons, zooming lessons, preparing lessons and send-home packs, calling students and families, and worrying about those they haven’t been able to reach. They’ve also been at school caring for the kids of essential workers while also juggling the needs of their own kids. And they carry the same worries and anxieties as the rest of us.

I’d like to believe the criticism of teachers, however unfair, comes from a place of concern about what’s happening to children’s education as remote learning goes on. My message to parents is this: there’s no need to panic. Our research shows that learning continues regardless.

Parents are concerned about the impact homeschooling will have on learning, but the research is reassuring.

Parents are concerned about the impact homeschooling will have on learning, but the research is reassuring.

This chimes with the latest NAPLAN results, which found the pandemic had no significant impact on students’ literacy and numeracy achievement at the national or state level.

Last year, when COVID-19 anxiety was at fever pitch, many experts, policymakers, educators and media commentators speculated that the toll of lockdown would cripple student learning. Some pundits predicted months of learning would be lost.

Our research shows this simply was not the case. The academic achievement of more than 3000 year 3 and 4 students in our study was just as strong in 2020 as it was in 2019.

Looking more closely at our data by subject, year, and school socio-economic status we found year 3 children in disadvantaged schools achieved less in maths, while their peers in mid-range schools achieved more. However, in other subjects like reading and science we found small or no differences in learning growth. There were also no differences in achievement in year 4 in all three subjects. From this analysis we can say, at least academically, on average students did not fall behind, and they certainly didn’t suffer “learning loss”.

The term “learning loss” is highly problematic, no doubt adding to parents’ fears about the short and long-term consequences for their children’s futures. But even the year 3 students from disadvantaged schools who achieved less growth in maths compared with 2019 students didn’t go backwards. They didn’t lose learning. They gained new knowledge and developed new skills in 2020. The challenge now is to accelerate their learning.

If there was a gap in learning when students first returned to school, as NSW Department of Education check-in data suggested, teachers did a fantastic job in bringing learning back up to pace.

However, it came at a cost. Some teachers described schooling at the end of last year as “groundhog day”. The focus was classroom learning, in particular literacy and numeracy. Excursions, assemblies, sports, choirs, concerts and all the other extra-curricular activities that punctuate school life were off the timetable.

For those who advocate a “back-to-basics” approach to teaching and learning, our research shows this is not the answer. In fact, the transition back to “normal” schooling had multiple negative impacts on student and teacher wellbeing.

Teacher morale declined significantly between term 1 and term 4 2020 in a way that didn’t happen in 2019. Teachers reported feeling stressed and overworked.

They reported that students, even the 9 and 10-year-olds in our study, were more anxious when they returned to school and displayed poorer social skills. They were harder to engage in learning and, most worryingly, some were experiencing serious mental ill-health and, in some cases, self-harm.

So, what does this mean for the impact of remote learning in 2021? We don’t know. We are in uncharted waters when it comes to the cumulative effects of lockdowns and multiple periods of learning from home. Based on our research last year, and the latest NAPLAN results, we anticipate learning for most kids will be okay. Families and teachers now have prior experience with lockdowns and learning continues , despite the challenges.

Gathering ongoing evidence is critical to counter unhelpful forms of speculation and allay parents’ fears.

Catching-up students who fell behind, including those in disadvantaged and vulnerable circumstances, can be achieved through targeted, evidence-backed programs and initiatives. It is crucial to get these right. They must be supported by rigorous research and evaluated to understand their effectiveness.

Most importantly, though, we must look after one another. Like everyone, teachers and principals deserve our support, kindness and empathy as we navigate these unprecedented times together.

Professor Jenny Gore is the director of the Teachers and Teaching Research Centre at the University of Newcastle.

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Professor Jenny Gore is director of the Teachers and Teaching Research Centre at the University of Newcastle.

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